Experiencing the powerful Hatha Yoga teachings
Ajna Chakra and Bhadrasana (gracious pose)
Vishuddhi Chakra (throat/neck),the purification and communication centre in the pranic (energy) body
Opening Heart Space
Working- pranic body and physical body, with the Karma Yoga path.
Going “back” to an innocent experience of everything.
Working without expectations reduces ego and can help us on the path to liberation.
Using the will to restrain thoughts and creating a space.
Present moment of awareness - don’t miss each moment
Mind can be changed
Mind; calm like a lake
Detaching from dvesa (hatred)
Merging body, mind and consciousness
Aiming to experience the True Self is a must.
Aim of yoga is self absorption
Self knowledge isn’t the mind or body
The heat has gone now from the change of season but we can control our inner fire.
Hatha Yoga is Self illuminating
Hatha Yoga is so powerful and prepares for Raja Yoga
Releasing into change