Bindu means point or drop, a subtle spot beyond the chakras situated beneath the cowl m on the back of the head.
The Hatha yogis explained how from this point there is a nectar which flows from the moon (the symbol of Bindu), it has the quality of endowing enlightenment but it is completely consumed by the sun (manipura), incurring old age.
There are practices that reverse this nectar upwards and then caught in Vishuddhi chakra to disperse into the body for cellular preservation and rejuvenation.
We will use the practices of Ujjayi pranayama, Jalandhara Bandha, and Kechari Mudra with some postures to raise Manipura above the Bindu. Ref Hatha Yoga Pradipika Ch 3, V 77.
Quote from the -
“The moon stands for Bindu chakra
and the sun for the Manipura chakra.
Because the nectar from the Bindu chakra is constantly being destroyed in the fire of Manipura chakra, our body is susceptible to illness and continues to deteriorate with advancing age.
In fact the Atma is immortal but in this earthly existence we are bound to the mortal body. Only in this very fragile body we can attain spiritual realisation; Moksha.
Therefore yogis endeavour to keep their body healthy for as long as possible to enable them to complete their spiritual development in the current lifespan.”
Om Shanti
The video shows different ways to practice