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Finding inner stillness and not being disturbed.

Writer's picture: Andrea WestAndrea West

We know there is an important link between breath, body and mind. But it can be vague and not utilised so well until we bring a conscious prolongation of exhalation and a retention afterwords, then we experience a  connection to releasing thoughts and emotions bringing the wavering mind to a stable state. This practice is known as pranayama; meaning extending “pra - na”which is “energy in motion”

Prana is what keeps everything working well in the bodily systems just like how electricity runs through a house.

It is intricately linked to the mind. Fluctuation of one means fluctuation of the other.

So when either the mind or prana becomes balanced the other is steadied.

It is important for all students; whether a beginner or experienced in yoga, to bring the posture to a steadiness and stillness before bringing in the rhythmic breathing practice,known as pranayama.

This helps to bring a bright steady calm awareness into the practice of pranayama, so as not to be forceful or dull minded in the practice.

Keeping a bright steady awareness in practice as well as body will overcome patterns we tend to become involved with from the self identification.

Meaning when we go with an attitude of “I am doing my yoga, my breathing”, we do not release and it is a forceful practice carrying the patterns along in the practice and that doesn’t bring the deeper meaning of why we practice yoga which is to bring the mind into the state of stillness.

This strengthens willpower, bringing sound judgement to detach easily, staying free and for the sake of all, as one consciousness.

Om Shanti

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