This week in yoga we will be working with the following teachings;
Patanjali (1,33) explains a mind with a current of disturbed thoughts running like a river (citta viksepa) needs to be damned up with graceful diffusion (cittaprasadam) and then consciousness is diffused into a calm lake.
Options - (1,34) by maintaining a pensive state felt at the time of soft and steady exhalation and during passive retention after exhalation. This practice ensures a state of consciousness which is like a calm lake.
Or(1,37) by contemplating on enlightened sages who are free from desires and attachments, calm and tranquil, or by contemplating divine objects.
We will experience this teaching within body and mind, understanding that there is a siddhi (psychic power) which can bring the state of calm like that of a lake through our whole Being.
Lesson plans, video recordings, online classes are available
Please prebook classes, use the contact form to enquire.
Monday 7-8.30 pm
Tuesday 10-11.30 am
Wednesday 7-8.30 pm
Thursday 10-11.30 am
Om Shanti