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Samana Vayu; the pranic current in the middle.

Writer's picture: Andrea WestAndrea West

Prana is the life force carrying consciousness that makes up the whole body and universe. 

It is subtle, non physical and can change and evolve all of nature, including humans. It acts through the elements giving life, growth and decay.

Prana is directly associated with the mind, when mind is free so is prana. When mind is caught up with attachments, prana is doesn’t flow freely.

The attachments are caused by the ahamkar, the ego aspect of mind. “I believe, I think, therefore I am.” Ref Rene Descartes.

We as humans, have the capacity to evolve beyond the clinging aspect of thinking we are an individual with a body and separate from everything else.

When we free up the ahamkar, we are more conscious, more aware of oneself.

This week we will explore the samana vayu which is the movement of prana in the middle of the subtle body, effecting the digestive region physically.

Mentally we can experience the movement of prana flowing more freely to a higher frequency freeing up attachments, allowing more freedom in body and mind. This is due to the mental aspect of clinging to “I am… my body, my thoughts, my belongings, accomplishments…etc”

We can experience a meditative experience of direct perception of free flowing prana and also blocked parts as well.

By keeping the direct perception on the blockages and free flowing parts with no comparison, seeing it as equal, as one; then evolving takes place.

Mind remains still, movement of prana taking consciousness, the truth of our being onwards.

Life needs to expand and the ancient yoga teachings show us this.

When we work just on the physical aspect in yoga, we do not evolve.

Om Shanti

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