This centre is positioned at the crown situation in the pranic subtle body.
It transcends all other chakras as it includes them all within itself. It is symbolised as a lotus with 1000 petals symbolising its unlimited nature.
Within Sahasrara is consciousness which is there before creation came forth.
It is the mystical state of absorption where ego temporarily absorbs into.
In this state one identifies with consciousness and not a limited individual.
This week we will balance and purify the nadis and chakras to experience ajna chakra and bindu chakra.
Bindu is like the moon and reflects the Sahasrara; all pervading consciousness.
Bindu is the drop of sea from the sea of consciousness.
The Bengali Yogi, Romakrishna sums up the relationship between Bindu and Sahsrara “it is not the dewdrop that slips into the sea but the sea that drops into the dewdrop.”
Both Bindu and Sahsrara are transcendental potentials that underlying each of us.
Bindu is Sahsrara in manifest form and Sahasrara is Bindu in unmanifest form.
Om Shanti