Metta meditation is a practice from the Buddhist tradition to cultivate loving kindness, bringing compassion and equanimity to release assumptions, prejudices and labels that we are prone to doing, especially internalising them if we do not express them.
This keeps us disconnected and builds barriers on all scales.
With this meditation there have been studies shown that people who have practiced just 10 minutes; will show to have increase of positive emotions that lead to improvements in a purpose to life, bringing social support and gaining more life satisfaction.
There is a reduction in self criticism, depressive symptoms, increased empathy, improved vagal tone, reduced chronic back pain, including anger and psychological stress. Slower biological ageing, an immediate relaxation benefit.
This week we will work particularly on hip mobility and opening the heart space in preparation to transform into a limitless being, from this heart opening.
Om Shanti
Ref Eckhart Tolle Loving Kindness information