This week we will work with the physical body and pranic (energy) body, specifically through the first 3 chakras; Mooladhara, Swadhistana and Manipura.
We will understand the importance of breath awakening and moving prana in the body for physical and emotional well being.
We will use the Virabhadrasana 1 (warrior) posture and develop a body and mind with more vitality.
On a spiritual lesson we will use the path of Karma Yoga; by practicing with freedom from attachment to the fruit of action, becoming more in tune with the Divine and less attached to life.
Physical benefits - food becomes absorbed for nourishment more efficiently and removal of waste improved. Body is less prone to disease, less fatigued.
Emotional benefits- we will be more friendly and compassionate and calm in adverse conditions.
Om Shanti
Please see pages for class information (remote teaching)
Please prebook as usual or order videos
Classes :
Mon 7-8.30 pm
Tues 10-11.30 am
Wed 7-8.30 pm
Thurs 10-11.30 am