Yoga is a practice to seek self realisation. Being intelligent enough using the Buddhi faculty to make progress in becoming free from entanglement of the material body.
All obstacles appear in the pranic sheath, a sheath of life forces; comprised of channels called nadis, of which there are 72,000 linking to energy centres, called chakras.
These are turning wheels of prana in specific places that have prana directed to them to be utilised within the physical/ mental aspect. Also to purify and evolve the whole Being into an inner opening of the central channel, Sushumna the major spiritual channel.
These major chakras lie in line of Sushumna.
Looking and experiencing the currents of prana, we will engage in clearing obstacles from the mental attachment of “there is only me and my body that is here existing” to directly see that the body is only there when in outward sensory perception and “me” is the self identification of the labels we relate to. - my body, my thoughts..
In yoga with the practice of direct perception, controlling attachments to thoughts and using the practice of pranayama; expanding the life force, moving the pranic currents back into the middle of the pranic sheath we experience the underlying reality.
When prana is moving consciousness has loosened away from the “ me” aspect made from the mind.
In yoga we become comfortable not being attached to the physical body.
The aim is to seek self realisation, pure consciousness detached from labels.
Om Shanti
Ref Gita 10,10 commentary A. C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada